1. Cargo ships – on our trips, we often see two main types of cargo ships – the bulk carriers we see as we pass through the working dock at Ipswich (often having grain loaded) and the container ships at the Port of Felixstowe.
2. Peregrine Falcon nest box – under the Orwell Bridge is a well-used nest box for these wonderful birds, our Skipper will point it out for you as part of their commentary. The birds returned to the river to nest in 2008 but the nest box had been waiting patiently since the 1990s.
3. Freston Tower – as we approach Pin Mill, we will point out Freston Tower standing proudly on the riverbanks (on your right as you leave Ipswich, ‘starboard side’). It is an unusual six-story Folly, built in 1578.
4. The gap in the Orwell Bridge – when you drive over the bridge, we doubt you realise there are two separate bridges separated by a few inches. When you travel underneath and look up, you will see daylight!